Sunday, March 29, 2009

Funny & Cute

Babylegs! still a little big and silly on him :)

Stretching in his sleep:

Waiting for mom and dad to get their act together so we can leave:

And a peaceful sleeping photo- I never get tired of these :)

1 comment:

  1. thank you for keeping us in your prayers!

    these are adorable! Oh my word, i love the baby leg warmers. Chey and i just found some at target today and about died, so cute!

    oh and I am beginning to put on weight that is not just baby now, and i'm afraid to gain anymore, do you have any advice. I only want to gain 25 at the most 30 and I just hit 20 today!! any advice, I am not being stupid yet, just putting on weight!! Help =)

