Monday, December 29, 2008

Nearly 33 weeks now...

What a great and busy week it's been! Christmas Eve and Christmas were very nice and spent with family. Saturday my mom, grandma, and aunt threw me a baby shower/ mother blessing. It was such a cool day- I felt completely pampered. Some of my close friends were there, as well as the ladies from my family. I got henna on my belly and hand, and everyone brought a special bead to make a bracelet for me to wear during labor. They also all painted onesies for the baby, which came out really cute. I even had a wreath of flowers in my hair, which Taina made. We got some things we needed for the baby- I am so thankful for the showers and the lovely ladies hosting them (there will be another this coming weekend, for the West Palm and Miami crowds!); I don't know how we would have gotten everything on our own. Despite my efforts toward minimalism, there seems to be so many things needed for a new baby. We are so fortunate to have such wonderful family and friends.
Now our house is filling with baby things, and I'm realizing how soon he will be here- it is crazy to think about!
Baby Seth moves a lot still- now it's more pushing rather than the kicks I used to feel. Sometimes it's pretty uncomfortable, but I can't really complain too much- it's all such a miracle and still amazes me.
I plan to post some pictures from the shower when I get some- I didn't take any with my own camera, of course. Here's one of my belly from today though:

Mehndi is the art of painting on the body with henna- in many cultures all over the world, especially in India, it is believed to bestow blessings and good luck. Taina did such a great job with mine; I love it.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

31 week belly picture

I almost didn't take one this week :-o
This is at 31 weeks 6 days, but it still counts :)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Finally some ultrasound pics... and "I am a bird- watch me nest"

Ultrasound at 31 weeks:
I love this one- it looks like he's waving and smiling at us.

Another of his face, sideways.

When we went to get the ultrasound done yesterday, they told us it was too late in the pregnancy to get any good pictures from a 3D, and that it would be a waste of money. I was a little bummed at first, but with the 2D (regular) ultrasound we were able to get these shots of his face, and that is totally good enough for me. I'm excited to finally have pictures of my little guy! He is head down, low in my pelvis, and apparently measuring two weeks larger than my due date. The doctor said that either means my due date is off (quite possible considering I didn't get a 1st trimester sonogram), or he is just a really big baby. I'm hoping for the first... :)

We have now officially rearranged our closet and made room for Seth's clothes and whatnot- we're ready for whatever goodies the coming baby showers may bring. I get bursts of the nesting instinct where I just want to clean and organize everything. I always have to-do lists on my days off. And when I am not doing that I'm probably reading something baby-related. I also plan on starting a bunch of holiday baking soon, and I've been knitting a blanket for Seth. I feel so domestic! Manny and I got a bunch of Christmas shopping done yesterday- figured we'd better get on it considering that it's a week from tomorrow...

Monday, December 15, 2008

30 weeks... and getting ready for holidays

These shots are from our holiday/maternity photo shoot, taken yesterday by my awesome mother. There are more posted on my facebook page. We had a great time walking around downtown in Stuart.
Suddenly we're really close to Christmas- I'm not really sure what happened. I have all kinds of baking, shopping and other things I want to do in the next few weeks. I am trying to pace myself though, because I get tired more easily now and need to rest more frequently and not be on my feet too much. I can easily tell when I am pushing myself too much- my body makes it quite clear- but I have to remember to actually take it easy for the baby's sake rather than keep going. It is frustrating to have physical limitations, but it is for such a good cause :)
My last day at the library is going to be January 27th. I'll be sad to leave- I love my job- but I'm getting so excited that we'll actually meet our little guy in 10 weeks or so (well actually nine since I'll be 31 weeks tomorrow!)

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Reflections on Identity

Lately I have this unsettled feeling sometimes about becoming a mother. This shouldn't be taken the wrong way- I am overjoyed at the whole thing. But sometimes I wonder if I will completely lose myself. You meet people- especially moms who stay at home with their children, who become nothing but mom. Everything they were before the baby seems to disappear- it gets buried so deep inside that it is hardly a part of who she is anymore. I know that my life is changing, completely and permanently, but I also know that it is possible- and I think very important for mine and my child's well being- to remain as much "me" as ever. I have dreams and passions that I have to work to hold on to in the midst of all the intense change. I can incorporate them into the way I raise my baby, rather than throwing them to the side and becoming someone else. But it must be a conscious effort, not to be a "normal" mother- but rather to be myself, as a mother. I am not afraid of being unconventional- I more afraid not to be. Unique and thinking parents are destined to raise unique and thinking children.

29 weeks

Manny took these pictures last night after the library's holiday party. It was a nice time, and Manny met most of the people I work with.

I finished my last paper on Thursday, which is of course a hue relief. We decorated the Christmas tree the other day, which was fun. There isn't a whole lot happening right now- nice for a change.

Monday, December 1, 2008

28 weeks

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Manny worked all day, but we had a nice dinner with his parents when he got home.
We're going to get our Christmas tree this evening- definitely looking forward to that.
My classes end this week- I have one term paper due tonight, which I've finished, and one really hard one due Thursday, which I plan on working on for most of today. I'm so glad to be so close to the end of the semester- it was a tough one for sure.
The baby is strong and I feel him moving all the time now. He is about 15 inches long and the weight of a bok choy (Chinese cabbage) this week:

He can blink his eyes now, and they have lashes. Manny plays games with him by poking my belly and waiting for him to poke back- it's pretty cute. I've been feeling really good, though some days are much more uncomfortable than others. I think that yoga has really been a huge factor in how I feel. We're going to brave Babies r Us later on to finish registering there- we've already finished the one at Target. This will be my first time actually going into Babies r Us, and from what I hear it can be somewhat overwhelming. I'm not really so into all the gadgetry and materialism that has been associated with having a baby- it's better to keep things more simple- but still, there are things you need, and I am so thankful to be having baby showers so we'll get some of those things.
Signing off now. -H

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

3rd trimester is here!

27 weeks belly picture:

This is going by fast- it's hard to believe that my due date is only a few months away now! The baby is growing and is really strong- he presses on both sides of my belly at the same time, and sometimes on my ribs too. He's woken me up in the morning with kicks and rolls- sometimes it gets a bit uncomfortable but I definitely wouldn't want him to stop.

I have been feeling really great- I am so thankful that I'm having a healthy pregnancy. I'm tired a lot and have random aches, etc, but for the most part I'm really enjoying the whole thing. I feel like I am constantly bonding with my little guy already too, which is awesome.

Ten days left in this semester, which is a blessing and a curse because I still have so much left to do and now the time I have to get it done is dwindling. In fact, that's what I'll be doing for the rest of the day.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Some thoughts

I wish I had been even more active up until this point in my pregnancy, but I am planning on walking more and have been doing my prenatal yoga almost every day. It is so, so important to exercise during pregnancy; my midwife says that besides making for a healthier baby it can make labor much easier (and goodness knows I am an advocate of that!)
I have spent most of the last six months kind of stressed, and while I have tried my best to relax and minimize the tension for the sake of the baby, I really wish I could have slowed down, and not had so much on my plate. The combination of work and taking two classes in school, while pregnant, has stretched me too far. I cannot count how many times I have broken down in exasperated tears (aided of course by the pregnancy hormones).
After December 4th, when I turn in my last school paper, I am going to slow down and really be present in the last few months of my pregnancy. I want to allow myself to be prepared for motherhood, and I haven't devoted as much time to that as I would like to because of everything else that is going on. It has been so hard to focus on anything else anyway- it seems so natural to me to think almost constantly about the little person inside me... it kind of puts me in a funny daze- a very introspective and peaceful state. That state is what comes naturally to me right now. It makes me want to write and make things and go for longs walks and completely lose track of time and busyness. I have to force myself to remain responsible and on top of things, but I am craving the ability to just let go.
I am so in love with my husband... there aren't even words for how deeply thankful I am for him, for our intense friendship.
Yet I do wish for women to talk to, especially other young moms and moms-to-be. I rarely see any of my female friends anymore- most don't live nearby. I miss the mentoring, the advice and understanding between women. It is so strange not to have any friends that live close- I got so used to that when I was in college. Now it is just me and Manny. And I have discovered that I hate cell phones for the purpose of actual conversations (especially since most of the time I lose my connection several times and have to call the person back).
I am hoping that after the baby is born I will meet other new moms that I can connect with.

If you just read all of that, I applaud you. Tomorrow I'll come back and read this and probably find that none of this really made sense and I probably shouldn't post public blog entries for all to see when I can barely keep my eyes open...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

26 weeks

So this is the last week of my 2nd trimester. I can't believe how fast it seems to be going by. I've had several people comment recently that my belly has grown a lot on the last couple of weeks, and I guess it kind of feels bigger, if that is possible.
I have still sort of been rounding out the registry lists, and sometime soon Manny and I are going to go to Babies "r" Us and add things in the store. I try to go by lists of recommendations and what other people tell me, but the fact is it is hard to know exactly what we will want and need when he is actually here. Looking at all the stuff can be fun, but I think there is a lot of commercial hype about baby stuff and they market to neurotic new parents- really babies' needs are pretty simple and I'm not too worried about not having everything.
I have been doing lots of reading and research on cloth diapers and I'm really convinced that I can handle it and that it is better than disposables in many ways. People tend to look at me like I'm crazy if I tell them that's what we're planning to do, but I think they are mostly unaware of the new cloth diapers that make it really easy and basically as clean as disposables. This blog by a mom I found online explains why they are so great, and she wrote this one about the process she uses with them and which kinds she likes, which I found super helpful. We're going to start out by renting a newborn size package from, so all we will really need to by right away is covers for those. When he is big enough (about 10lbs) I want to try the all-in-one kind, which are really easy because they go on just like a disposable and expand to fit from 10lbs to potty training.
Anyway... it is time to get ready for a nice long 10 hour workday now. Possibly another 26 week picture coming later- one that includes my face :)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Lots to Learn

25 week belly picture:

This weekend I went to my childbirth class Friday night and all day Saturday. Manny and my mom came too, though on Saturday it was just me and mom because Manny had to work. It was a really great class- I feel much better about giving birth now, and actually I'm really excited to be having a home birth. It was good to meet other pregnant ladies and their husbands- there were two other couples whose due dates are very close to mine, and it was really fun to talk to them. There was such a huge amount of information to absorb that it was a tad overwhelming, and I hope I remember it when I actually need it. I think it will come back to me though. There is so much to know, especially about taking care of a newborn, but I think that when the time comes instinct will play an important role as well.
I have been so emotional over the last few days- much more so than usual. And I'm having some super weird dreams, and lots of cramps... I've been totally stressed out. School is really tough, and I have a paper that has kind of been freaking me out. As soon as I'm done with it I'm taking a day to relax and regroup. Working and taking two classes while pregnant is challenging. I'll be relieved when the semester is over and I don't have to feel guilty about reading parenting books anymore. Just a few more weeks.
Seth is super active as usual- I amazed at how often he kicks. Yesterday I felt him really high up- near my ribs- which was a very strange feeling. Manny and I both talk to him, and I play music loud enough for him to hear- it's really cool to feel so connected to him already, I love it and can't wait to meet him.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

History has been made

What an inspiring and amazing night. I went to bed before all the results were in last night, and woke to find out that Barack Obama will be our president. I've been watching the Early Show this morning, and I am hopeful for the future of this country. It is going to be a hard road, possibly a long one, but I believe change is coming.
More Americans voted in this election than in any since 1908- I think we care more now than we have in a long time, and I think that will make a huge difference.
I'm glad that I will someday be able to tell my son that I was feeling him kick in the womb while watching President Obama win the election that changed the U.S. forever.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Six Random Facts About Me

First, a new picture:

24 weeks- Seth just keeps growing and growing!

Now, my 6 Facts:
(I was tagged to do this by the lovely Adrienne)
1. I have a very early memory of walking on a dirt or gravel road with my father- I must have been about 2 years old, maybe 3. That is the earliest memory I have.
2. I changed my mind about my major many times in college- I went through pre-veterinary, marine biology, education, graphic design, humanities, dance, cross-cultural studies, biblical studies, and finally, communication studies. I'm interested in everything, which I guess is why I ended up doing library science for grad school.
3. I want to travel, but I have also always wanted to live overseas too. There probably isn't a single country in the world I wouldn't want to at least visit someday. When I travel, I prefer to really experience the culture of a place and immerse myself in it.
4. I may very likely have read more books in the last year than I did the entire three years I spent at Palm Beach Atlantic. (Especially since I've started my master's degree.) And I really love to read.
5. I would like to adopt a baby from China someday, maybe when our own children are teenagers. I have wanted to do this since I was about 12.
6. I love music, and have learned at least the basics of piano, tenor & baritone sax, clarinet, trumpet, flute, violin and guitar... but I have never gotten very far with any of them. I wish I was more musically talented then I am, and I really respect people who have mastered an instrument.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What an amazing day!

This morning Manny and I went to B&N/Starbuck's for my birthday breakfast, and at 1pm I had a midwife appointment. Everything looked good with the baby, and Connie gave us the information to schedule our ultrasound. I called, and was able to get an appointment for today!! And.....

It's a boy!!!

Manny and I are so over the moon about little Seth Alexander- it all seems so much more real now that we have seen him and can call him by his name! He wasn't shy at all, and even yawned and stuck his tongue out for us :) He's beautiful, and appears to have my nose, hehe. Everything looks perfect and healthy- we are so, so happy. The tech said he is measuring 25 weeks 1 day, instead of 24 weeks, so we will see if Connie wants to officially change my due date or continue going by the original calculations. If it does change I will be due February 9th. We couldn't get a printed picture, which was a little sad- they don't have the equipment to print them out at the place we went. We'll be taking lots of pictures of Seth once he's here though :)
This evening we went to my favorite Thai restaurant for dinner. Overall, it was a pretty amazing and memorable birthday!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Baby Likes Music

Today in the car I was playing the Red Hot Chili Peppers pretty loud, and the baby started kicking really hard. I think he or she was dancing in there. Naturally, of course, our kid is going to love to rock out. Last night I had a really vivid dream that the baby was a boy. Manny says he dreamed it was a girl. I don't think we'll have to wait much longer to find out!

Manny is done with the first phase of his training at work, and now he is actually on the radio dispatching. He loves it.
I just did some engagement portraits for a couple and they came out pretty good. It looks like I might line up a few jobs in December too- I'm pretty excited that it's picking up a bit, and all from people finding my website online! After the little one comes I'll just do that and grad school while being a stay at home mom. It's hard to believe that I'll only be at the library for a few more months- it's a little sad but I am of course completely elated that I will have the opportunity to stay at home with the baby.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Resting today

I started feeling Braxton Hicks contractions yesterday- they are harmless tightenings of the uterus as it prepares and strengthens itself for labor. They don't hurt, but they are uncomfortable, and I have also been cramping more than usual so my midwife told me to really take it easy today and drink lots of fluids. Luckily I have today and tomorrow off from work anyway, so I'll stay home and get a lot done for school while I rest. I do wish I could go out and get a blueberry muffin though- I am definitely craving them... :)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

23 Weeks

This morning we could finally hear the baby's heartbeat with Manny's stethoscope- it's so cool. I am taking antibiotics for a throat infection, and this morning I am finally feeling well enough to function again. Later this week I am going for a glucose tolerance test, and hopefully next week we'll get our ultrasound and find out if this kid is a boy or a girl!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Oh well

It seems there will not be a 22 week belly picture. I have been sick for most of the week, and for the last few days have barely gotten out of pajamas- and now in a few days I'll be 23 weeks anyway so I'll just post a picture then.
What a horribly miserable time I have been having. I can't stop coughing, and it hurts my belly every time. There are no cold/cough medicines that are safe for the baby, so I'm just eating cough drops and drinking tea and trying to wait this out.
Sad. I'm going to sleep now...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

21 weeks

I can't believe how active our little one is! It makes my day every time he or she starts moving :) I've been feeling great lately- they say the second trimester is the honeymoon stage of pregnancy, and I'm finding that to be true now.

21 week belly:

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Belly at 20 weeks... I'm halfway through!

Baby is the size of a cantaloupe now...

I'm so excited to be halfway already- it's going by so fast. I am really, really looking forward to meeting this kid.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

I like...

This Organic cotton bedding set from Cotton Monkey :)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Because I am pregnant...

- Anything could and probably will make me cry- or I might just cry for no reason

- I care more about what is happening in the world, and who our next president will be

- I want to talk to my mom a lot more

- I am extremely gassy

- I have never loved hearing or seeing a name so much

- I touch my belly and smile

- I smile and nod at other pregnant women and revel in this kinship I have with these strangers

- I have a reason to create a whole new wardrobe

- I think about how I will answer all the important questions this little boy or girl will ask in the future.

- I feel like if it's possible, I may love my husband just a little bit more now

- I care and think more about the relationships I have with other people

- I find it easier to realize what is most important to me and what I most enjoy doing, and look forward to sharing those things with my son or daughter

- I forget a lot

- I pee a lot

- I feel like it's more important than ever to learn to live in the moment, be flexible, and not worry so often.

- I want to be a better person

I saw a similar list on another lady's blog, and she apparently found it somewhere else, but I changed it to say what I was thinking.

part 2:
I have gotten so much more introspective recently- I care so much about so many things, and I have been thinking about what kind of life I want us to have as a family, what kind of childhood I hope this baby will someday look back on.
I have also been thinking a lot about living in the moment. Most people barely see what is going on in the present, much less take time to revel in it, because they are so concerned with the future and worried about everything except what is right in front of them. I get that way a lot, but it is pointless. Worrying is fruitless and unhealthy, and causes a person to miss so much. I realized that if I worry about money, about finishing school and buying a home and about all the little what-if's having to do with the baby, I could completely miss the joy of just being pregnant. It's really such a short period of time, and what a cool thing- having a person inside you. I am trying to slow things down, and take time to love all the little kicks and movements. Later it will be every smile and giggle, every conversation and hug. I have to keep learning to focus on what is going on right now, and let everything just happen, because life and all these little things are far too important to miss.
I am already so overwhelmed with love for this kid... it really amazes me.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Our little mango

19 weeks today. Baby is the size of a large mango.

I went to see my midwife, and everything is looking good. All the tests came back perfect, and the heartbeat is strong and fast. I wish I could just see the baby sooner!
I took these pictures today...

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Here's a picture Manny just took- 18 weeks. There are 150 days left till my due date :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

See You in December

When I'm not working I will officially be at home, reading for my classes, from now to the beginning of December. I didn't realize that grad school was so much more reading intensive than undergrad- for just one of my two classes I have 2-3 books to read each week, plus journal articles and chapters from the textbook, and most weeks I also have some sort of written assignment. And then there's still my other class. And I'm planning on doing this with a baby at home! :)

In other news, baby is still moving all the time and is apparantly the size of a sweet potato.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Whoa, baby!

I feel the baby kicking all the time now- it is so cool. At first it was maybe a couple times a day, now it's anytime I eat, or when I'm hungry or I lean forward, etc. I love it- I'm pretty sure I get this big goofy smile on my face every time :)
Eighteen weeks tomorrow, and my next appointment is a week from then. I'll have Manny take another picture of my belly sometime this week.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Best Year Ever!

On the first we celebrated our one year anniversary. We ate (and are still working on) the top tier of our wedding cake, which had been in our freezer for the last year. When it thawed it kind of melted a little, but it is still very yummy!
We agreed- this has been a really amazing year. We are looking forward to many, many more years together. I know it is only going to keep getting better.

For now I am just writing here:
It is our official "baby blog", and I'm putting family updates there too. I'm not sure if I'll write in this again eventually or not, but take a look at the other- we've been taking pictures of my growing belly and other fun stuff!

(Imported from my previous blog, Everything is Better Together.)

17 Weeks

I have started to feel the tiniest little movements from the baby- it is really amazing. I always feel it when I'm sitting or laying very still.
I bought a pair of maternity jeans at Target a few days ago, and I'm wearing a lot of borrowed items as well- my regular pants just won't do anymore.
Apparently now the baby is the size of a large onion- kind of like a Vidalia onion I guess.

Yesterday I suddenly felt an urge to re-organize our bedroom closet so there would be room for the baby's things- nesting instinct is kicking in!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

New Picture!

16 weeks pregnant :) Actually this shirt sort of hides it more than others.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Four months!

I'm sixteen weeks now, and I read this morning that the baby's ears have developed enough to hear my voice, and soon other voices and music. Apparently after birth they will recognize tunes of songs I played a lot while pregnant.
I've gotten several comments on actually looking pregnant recently, so I'll post a new belly picture here soon.
Yesterday was our 1st wedding anniversary, and we had a really nice dinner together. It's hard to believe it has been a whole year! It's been such an amazing year too... and we're looking forward to many more even better ones. :)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Nursery Idea Pictures

I've been browsing baby things today... we can't do a nursery until later because we live in a one bedroom for now, but I love looking at bedding and stuff like that.

From Land of Nod- it comes in pink too but I like this.

I like the fabric and colors in these quilts. From Etsy.

I really like the idea of hanging paper lanterns. I found these at World Market.


13 weeks- August 12th

About 12 weeks- a little earlier in August

It is good to be in the second trimester. The risk of miscarriage goes way down after the 12th week, and that's a relief. I am now 15 weeks pregnant- the books say the baby is the size of a large naval orange. They use a lot of fruit analogies in those books.
I have heard the baby's heartbeat twice now at midwife appointments. Yes, we have a midwife rather than an obstetrician and we're planning a home birth, which I'm really excited about. We watched this documentary called The Business of Being Born, and it was really eye-opening as to the state of maternity care in the United States.
I have been feeling a little better- less tired, though still nauseous sometimes. I've had a couple very bad headaches, one that lasted for ten days, which is hard because I cannot take any medicine for it. I did get acupuncture though, and I think it helped.
We're finding out the baby's gender sometime in October, and I'm totally looking forward to it. Manny is about to finally start his new job, and I started online grad school classes on Monday. So life is busy, but we're happy and excited about the future.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Week Eight

I'm almost two months pregnant now... the baby is growing and is healthy, judging by my symptoms. I went to my first prenatal yoga class this morning. There were four other ladies there who were 16, 19 and 20 weeks, and one with a 3 month old baby. It's cool to meet people at different stages in this journey.
We're going to New Hampshire and Massachusetts in a few weeks- I'm really looking forward to it. I can't wait to see my dad and Bruce and Carolann and Alexander, and meet baby Isabel. And I'm really looking forward to seeing Hannah and Charlie too. It will be nice to get away, too, and enjoy traveling somewhere different (and hopefully not so HOT!).
8 Weeks Pregnant

Thursday, June 19, 2008

New Developments

I found out a couple weeks ago that I am going to be a mom. I couldn't believe it. (It's still pretty surreal, especially since I'm just looking fatter at this point, not pregnant!) But I definitely am- complete with nausea and other "common" symptoms. More than anything I am really excited though- what a cool journey this is going to be for us! I am really looking forward to teaching this little person about the world, and watching him or her discover and grow. I think it is a really amazing privilege to be a parent, and Manny and I are going to approach as just that. We could never impact anyone's life more than we can the life of this child. It's a little scary, and very humbling, but also just about the coolest thing in the world. I'm reading all about fetuses and bellies and babies- there is a world of information here that up until now I had only limited interest in... now I feel like my life- and the life of this baby growing inside me- depends on me reading every word and absorbing every bit of information. It's all very interesting (Ok some of it, frankly, is also kind of gross. But maybe that's my heightened gag reflex speaking.)
I have never been so tired in my entire life... seriously. That was actually my first clue that something other than killer PMS was at work here. It's as if someone were slipping Ambien into my water. But that's only during the day. Because at night I wake up at least 3 times, with all kinds of tossing, turning, and insane dreams in between.
I've been to one yoga class since I found out about all this, and I barely made it. My body- especially my legs and feet- seemed extraordinarily heavy and difficult to lift (7am probably also had a lot to with it too!) I had been going 3 or 4 days a week though, and I plan on doing yoga throughout my pregnancy because it has such wonderful benefits for me and the baby. But I'm kind of taking it easy for now- as far as fatigue goes everyone says that the first trimester is the worst.
Signing off for now... maybe to catch a quick nap? No one wants to hear all this complaining anyway. But, tiredness and other ills aside, I really am totally stoked about this kid!

The Test...

Picture taken at 5 weeks... to show where I started from.

We're Growing!

That is, our family is growing. Well, personally I expect to be growing soon too. We're having a baby. It is a really wonderful surprise for us- Manny and I are really looking forward to being parents. I am about six weeks along, so our little guy or girl already has a heartbeat and is about the size of a large raspberry, and is already making mom feel pretty sick. But we are very excited, as are our parents and grandparents. This will be the first grandchild and great- grandchild on both sides of the family.
In other news, I took the GRE for grad school and did well, so I expect to start online classes this fall.

(Imported from my previous blog, Everything is Better Together.) 

Sunday, May 25, 2008

First Yoga Class

Last week I took my first yoga class. I have been practicing at home with books and DVDs for about six months, and lately I have become more serious about my practice. I realized I needed a teacher in order to progress, especially in meditation. I decided I wanted to commit to making yoga a significant part of my life, and I wanted to be part of a community of like-minded people. So I found my studio, and it is perfect for me. Being in a class was one of the most inspiring experiences I've had in a long time, and I am looking forward to where this yoga will take me on my spiritual journey.
The style is called Sivananda, and it is very practical and holistic. It incorporates 5 Principles of Yoga, which are Proper Exercise (asanas) Proper Breathing (pranayama), Proper Relaxation (savasana), Proper Diet (yogic vegetarianism), and Positive Thinking (vedanta)/Meditation. It also teaches the Four Paths of Yoga: Jnana Yoga (of Wisdom and Knowledge), Raja Yoga (of Self Control), Bhakti Yoga (of Devotion), and Karma Yoga (of Action).

Thursday, May 15, 2008

So here goes.

I'm starting a blog again, because for some strange reason it's therapeutic for me to share my private thoughts with the entire world. At any rate, blogging is an important part of keeping up with modern technology, which according to School Library Journal is a very important part of being a librarian. Yeah, I'm a librarian- well actually a Youth Services Library Assistant. I won't actually be a librarian until I finish my Master's degree, which I technically haven't even started yet. I'm also a photographer, but only on the side, once in a while, if that makes any sense at all. I am a vegetarian, a yoga enthusiast, and I like to paint and make things. I'm married to my best friend and we are trying to learn to be adults together, most of the time. I think I maybe I grew up too fast, but it made me who I am. I like strange movies and indie rock, and going to the beach.

welcome to my life...

Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Little Update

We survived being apart for five days while I was in Boston. It was an amazing trip- I got to see family and experienced snow for the first time. I fell in love with the city, and bought a Harvard t-shirt. Highlight: seeing work by Degas, Renoir, Monet and Van Gogh at the Museum of Fine Art. It was breathtaking to be in the presence of such famous pieces.
I started my new job a few days ago, and I love it so far. I am working in the library's youth services department, and will be teaching the "Tiny Tots" (walking-24 months) class starting in March. So I am brushing up on my nursery rhymes, picture books and Raffi songs.
We're still hoping to hear good news about a new job for Manny, and I am hoping for a good photo gig to pop any day now...


(Imported from my previous blog, Everything is Better Together.) 

Friday, February 8, 2008

Good News!

After 10 months, I finally got my library job! I start February 26th- we are so excited!

(Imported from my previous blog, Everything is Better Together.) 

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

super bowl.

Can you believe it? I am not a very big football fan, not really much of a sports fan for that matter, but I let myself get a little into it and wanted the Patriots to win, for the sake of my New England family. I was sure they'd win. But alas, in what they are calling the greatest play in Super Bowl history, the Giants gained the advantage. Boo.
Still, it was a fun day- we watched the game with Manny's family and celebrated Holly's 16th birthday and ate far more than is necessary.

We could both have new jobs soon. Manny has applied as a 911 dispatcher with the county and I am waiting to hear about a library associate position with the City of Boca Raton. Keeping our fingers crossed and praying to any benevolent dieties that might come to mind at a given moment....

I'm going to Boston in just over 2 weeks... so exciting! Maybe I'll see snow!


(Imported from my previous blog, Everything is Better Together.) 

Saturday, January 5, 2008

A few pictures

Our first Christmas tree

Manny on New Year's Eve

Sasha learned a new trick!

Ocean Inlet Park on 12/31/07

We celebrated the New Year at Manny's family's house, with fireworks and an outdoor fireplace.

(Imported from my previous blog, Everything is Better Together.) 

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2008... here. Last year was one of the most amazing yet (graduation, marriage, adulthood), but I am sure that this one will bring many good things. I am so optimistic about the future. This year is about dreams and family- peace and relationships. I don't believe in making "New Years resolutions", but I have been hoping anyway to focus more on the people in my life and remember to appreciate what I have, and cultivate it, rather than always trying to bring new things into my life.
Here's to another year!


(Imported from my previous blog, Everything is Better Together.)