Sunday, September 28, 2008

I like...

This Organic cotton bedding set from Cotton Monkey :)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Because I am pregnant...

- Anything could and probably will make me cry- or I might just cry for no reason

- I care more about what is happening in the world, and who our next president will be

- I want to talk to my mom a lot more

- I am extremely gassy

- I have never loved hearing or seeing a name so much

- I touch my belly and smile

- I smile and nod at other pregnant women and revel in this kinship I have with these strangers

- I have a reason to create a whole new wardrobe

- I think about how I will answer all the important questions this little boy or girl will ask in the future.

- I feel like if it's possible, I may love my husband just a little bit more now

- I care and think more about the relationships I have with other people

- I find it easier to realize what is most important to me and what I most enjoy doing, and look forward to sharing those things with my son or daughter

- I forget a lot

- I pee a lot

- I feel like it's more important than ever to learn to live in the moment, be flexible, and not worry so often.

- I want to be a better person

I saw a similar list on another lady's blog, and she apparently found it somewhere else, but I changed it to say what I was thinking.

part 2:
I have gotten so much more introspective recently- I care so much about so many things, and I have been thinking about what kind of life I want us to have as a family, what kind of childhood I hope this baby will someday look back on.
I have also been thinking a lot about living in the moment. Most people barely see what is going on in the present, much less take time to revel in it, because they are so concerned with the future and worried about everything except what is right in front of them. I get that way a lot, but it is pointless. Worrying is fruitless and unhealthy, and causes a person to miss so much. I realized that if I worry about money, about finishing school and buying a home and about all the little what-if's having to do with the baby, I could completely miss the joy of just being pregnant. It's really such a short period of time, and what a cool thing- having a person inside you. I am trying to slow things down, and take time to love all the little kicks and movements. Later it will be every smile and giggle, every conversation and hug. I have to keep learning to focus on what is going on right now, and let everything just happen, because life and all these little things are far too important to miss.
I am already so overwhelmed with love for this kid... it really amazes me.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Our little mango

19 weeks today. Baby is the size of a large mango.

I went to see my midwife, and everything is looking good. All the tests came back perfect, and the heartbeat is strong and fast. I wish I could just see the baby sooner!
I took these pictures today...

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Here's a picture Manny just took- 18 weeks. There are 150 days left till my due date :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

See You in December

When I'm not working I will officially be at home, reading for my classes, from now to the beginning of December. I didn't realize that grad school was so much more reading intensive than undergrad- for just one of my two classes I have 2-3 books to read each week, plus journal articles and chapters from the textbook, and most weeks I also have some sort of written assignment. And then there's still my other class. And I'm planning on doing this with a baby at home! :)

In other news, baby is still moving all the time and is apparantly the size of a sweet potato.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Whoa, baby!

I feel the baby kicking all the time now- it is so cool. At first it was maybe a couple times a day, now it's anytime I eat, or when I'm hungry or I lean forward, etc. I love it- I'm pretty sure I get this big goofy smile on my face every time :)
Eighteen weeks tomorrow, and my next appointment is a week from then. I'll have Manny take another picture of my belly sometime this week.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Best Year Ever!

On the first we celebrated our one year anniversary. We ate (and are still working on) the top tier of our wedding cake, which had been in our freezer for the last year. When it thawed it kind of melted a little, but it is still very yummy!
We agreed- this has been a really amazing year. We are looking forward to many, many more years together. I know it is only going to keep getting better.

For now I am just writing here:
It is our official "baby blog", and I'm putting family updates there too. I'm not sure if I'll write in this again eventually or not, but take a look at the other- we've been taking pictures of my growing belly and other fun stuff!

(Imported from my previous blog, Everything is Better Together.)

17 Weeks

I have started to feel the tiniest little movements from the baby- it is really amazing. I always feel it when I'm sitting or laying very still.
I bought a pair of maternity jeans at Target a few days ago, and I'm wearing a lot of borrowed items as well- my regular pants just won't do anymore.
Apparently now the baby is the size of a large onion- kind of like a Vidalia onion I guess.

Yesterday I suddenly felt an urge to re-organize our bedroom closet so there would be room for the baby's things- nesting instinct is kicking in!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

New Picture!

16 weeks pregnant :) Actually this shirt sort of hides it more than others.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Four months!

I'm sixteen weeks now, and I read this morning that the baby's ears have developed enough to hear my voice, and soon other voices and music. Apparently after birth they will recognize tunes of songs I played a lot while pregnant.
I've gotten several comments on actually looking pregnant recently, so I'll post a new belly picture here soon.
Yesterday was our 1st wedding anniversary, and we had a really nice dinner together. It's hard to believe it has been a whole year! It's been such an amazing year too... and we're looking forward to many more even better ones. :)