Thursday, October 30, 2008

Six Random Facts About Me

First, a new picture:

24 weeks- Seth just keeps growing and growing!

Now, my 6 Facts:
(I was tagged to do this by the lovely Adrienne)
1. I have a very early memory of walking on a dirt or gravel road with my father- I must have been about 2 years old, maybe 3. That is the earliest memory I have.
2. I changed my mind about my major many times in college- I went through pre-veterinary, marine biology, education, graphic design, humanities, dance, cross-cultural studies, biblical studies, and finally, communication studies. I'm interested in everything, which I guess is why I ended up doing library science for grad school.
3. I want to travel, but I have also always wanted to live overseas too. There probably isn't a single country in the world I wouldn't want to at least visit someday. When I travel, I prefer to really experience the culture of a place and immerse myself in it.
4. I may very likely have read more books in the last year than I did the entire three years I spent at Palm Beach Atlantic. (Especially since I've started my master's degree.) And I really love to read.
5. I would like to adopt a baby from China someday, maybe when our own children are teenagers. I have wanted to do this since I was about 12.
6. I love music, and have learned at least the basics of piano, tenor & baritone sax, clarinet, trumpet, flute, violin and guitar... but I have never gotten very far with any of them. I wish I was more musically talented then I am, and I really respect people who have mastered an instrument.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What an amazing day!

This morning Manny and I went to B&N/Starbuck's for my birthday breakfast, and at 1pm I had a midwife appointment. Everything looked good with the baby, and Connie gave us the information to schedule our ultrasound. I called, and was able to get an appointment for today!! And.....

It's a boy!!!

Manny and I are so over the moon about little Seth Alexander- it all seems so much more real now that we have seen him and can call him by his name! He wasn't shy at all, and even yawned and stuck his tongue out for us :) He's beautiful, and appears to have my nose, hehe. Everything looks perfect and healthy- we are so, so happy. The tech said he is measuring 25 weeks 1 day, instead of 24 weeks, so we will see if Connie wants to officially change my due date or continue going by the original calculations. If it does change I will be due February 9th. We couldn't get a printed picture, which was a little sad- they don't have the equipment to print them out at the place we went. We'll be taking lots of pictures of Seth once he's here though :)
This evening we went to my favorite Thai restaurant for dinner. Overall, it was a pretty amazing and memorable birthday!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Baby Likes Music

Today in the car I was playing the Red Hot Chili Peppers pretty loud, and the baby started kicking really hard. I think he or she was dancing in there. Naturally, of course, our kid is going to love to rock out. Last night I had a really vivid dream that the baby was a boy. Manny says he dreamed it was a girl. I don't think we'll have to wait much longer to find out!

Manny is done with the first phase of his training at work, and now he is actually on the radio dispatching. He loves it.
I just did some engagement portraits for a couple and they came out pretty good. It looks like I might line up a few jobs in December too- I'm pretty excited that it's picking up a bit, and all from people finding my website online! After the little one comes I'll just do that and grad school while being a stay at home mom. It's hard to believe that I'll only be at the library for a few more months- it's a little sad but I am of course completely elated that I will have the opportunity to stay at home with the baby.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Resting today

I started feeling Braxton Hicks contractions yesterday- they are harmless tightenings of the uterus as it prepares and strengthens itself for labor. They don't hurt, but they are uncomfortable, and I have also been cramping more than usual so my midwife told me to really take it easy today and drink lots of fluids. Luckily I have today and tomorrow off from work anyway, so I'll stay home and get a lot done for school while I rest. I do wish I could go out and get a blueberry muffin though- I am definitely craving them... :)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

23 Weeks

This morning we could finally hear the baby's heartbeat with Manny's stethoscope- it's so cool. I am taking antibiotics for a throat infection, and this morning I am finally feeling well enough to function again. Later this week I am going for a glucose tolerance test, and hopefully next week we'll get our ultrasound and find out if this kid is a boy or a girl!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Oh well

It seems there will not be a 22 week belly picture. I have been sick for most of the week, and for the last few days have barely gotten out of pajamas- and now in a few days I'll be 23 weeks anyway so I'll just post a picture then.
What a horribly miserable time I have been having. I can't stop coughing, and it hurts my belly every time. There are no cold/cough medicines that are safe for the baby, so I'm just eating cough drops and drinking tea and trying to wait this out.
Sad. I'm going to sleep now...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

21 weeks

I can't believe how active our little one is! It makes my day every time he or she starts moving :) I've been feeling great lately- they say the second trimester is the honeymoon stage of pregnancy, and I'm finding that to be true now.

21 week belly:

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Belly at 20 weeks... I'm halfway through!

Baby is the size of a cantaloupe now...

I'm so excited to be halfway already- it's going by so fast. I am really, really looking forward to meeting this kid.