Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Little Update

We survived being apart for five days while I was in Boston. It was an amazing trip- I got to see family and experienced snow for the first time. I fell in love with the city, and bought a Harvard t-shirt. Highlight: seeing work by Degas, Renoir, Monet and Van Gogh at the Museum of Fine Art. It was breathtaking to be in the presence of such famous pieces.
I started my new job a few days ago, and I love it so far. I am working in the library's youth services department, and will be teaching the "Tiny Tots" (walking-24 months) class starting in March. So I am brushing up on my nursery rhymes, picture books and Raffi songs.
We're still hoping to hear good news about a new job for Manny, and I am hoping for a good photo gig to pop any day now...


(Imported from my previous blog, Everything is Better Together.) 

Friday, February 8, 2008

Good News!

After 10 months, I finally got my library job! I start February 26th- we are so excited!

(Imported from my previous blog, Everything is Better Together.) 

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

super bowl.

Can you believe it? I am not a very big football fan, not really much of a sports fan for that matter, but I let myself get a little into it and wanted the Patriots to win, for the sake of my New England family. I was sure they'd win. But alas, in what they are calling the greatest play in Super Bowl history, the Giants gained the advantage. Boo.
Still, it was a fun day- we watched the game with Manny's family and celebrated Holly's 16th birthday and ate far more than is necessary.

We could both have new jobs soon. Manny has applied as a 911 dispatcher with the county and I am waiting to hear about a library associate position with the City of Boca Raton. Keeping our fingers crossed and praying to any benevolent dieties that might come to mind at a given moment....

I'm going to Boston in just over 2 weeks... so exciting! Maybe I'll see snow!


(Imported from my previous blog, Everything is Better Together.)