Sunday, February 15, 2009

Baby Life...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Seth- 4 days old

Seth is doing amazing. He is so healthy and strong- sleeps a lot of course. He and I are getting the hang of breastfeeding and are doing well. I'm feeling better every day, though still quite sore and trying not to do too much too soon.
Many more beautiful pictures of our little guy to come- here's one I just took to start with.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Welcome to the World!

Seth Alexander Mayo was born on February 10, 2009 at 8:21pm, weighing 5lb 11oz and measuring 19 1/2 inches long. He is healthy and strong and the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

I started having irregular contractions on Sunday, and on Monday they became timeable- 6-10 min apart. Monday night they got more painful and I couldn't sleep through them, and they progressed all day Tuesday. I was in active labor for 9 hours and pushed for 45 minutes, almost all of that in the birth tub, and Seth was born in the water.

We are beginning to adjust to our new life, and spending plenty of time just staring at him :) He and I are getting the hang of nursing and it's going well. I am very sore from the birth but already (24 hours later) I am feeling somewhat better and I am sure the healing process will be relatively quick.

I will post more, and pictures, another time, but I wanted to write about how happy I am to finally have my baby here!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

38 weeks

My mom took these pictures of Manny and I over the weekend... chances are this is about as big as I'm going to get. Of course if I go very far past my due date I may be a bit bigger when the baby is born. I plan to have someone take a belly picture of me when I go into labor.

This week has been a little rough- I have had some pretty intense back and hip pain and it is hard to sleep (or walk!) sometimes. Normal end-of-pregnancy discomforts have me kind of looking forward to not being pregnant anymore. Not to mention, I am getting so excited to meeting this baby I have been carrying for what seems like a really long time now. But there seems to be no sign that I will go into labor anytime soon. He will come when he's ready... and in the meantime I am keeping busy and trying to stay as active and comfortable as I can.

As for the baby, he is still so active and seems to be very healthy :) My body and his are both getting ready for the big day I guess... wondering when it will be. I am now only 10 days away from my due date!